Movie Details
Title : Escape Plan 2: Hades
Release Date : 2018-06-05
Genre : Crime, Action, Thriller
Runtime : 93 Minutes
Synopsis Escape Plan 2: Hades - Towards the very end of it, there is actually a couple of decent things that happen in _Escape Plan 2_, but this is such a **colossal** step down from the original (which already wasn't exactly the greatest work put to screen), and even removing the comparison the first two thirds (at least) of this movie are genuinely not good.
_Final rating:★★ - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product._
> ma gandeam ca e la fel de interesant ca primul....dar m-am inselat, efecte CGI slabe, actori la fel de slabi (astia pe cat imbatranesc pe atat mai :thumbsdown: sunt), povestea lipsita de sens, sonorizare ieftina, actiune ..(cred ca am auzit de cateva zeci de ori "detinutii sa se prezinte la lupta" sau "zoo"...complet plictisit. Nu il recomand ,e o pierdere de timp! Intru si pe IMDB sa le dau o nota caci chiar m-am eneravat! :'-(
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